Friday, January 7, 2011

Felt Hand Puppets

So two months or so ago, I agreed to make puppets for my own girls, two nieces, and two sort-of nephews for Christmas. I figured 6-8 puppets for each set of kids, no biggie. Right? Well, I'm not sure I can express how glad I am to have these done. They weren't overly hard or anything, and actually I enjoyed the creative process part of making them--they were just so time consuming, and I'm tired of staying up until 1-2:00 am to finish them. I am pretty proud of how they all turned out, though. See for yourselves:

Wild-ish animals:

Farm-ish animals

And all the kids themselves:

And everybody all together:

And from what I hear, all the kids are loving playing with them. I love a well-loved gift. :)

I'm posting this up for Sew and Tell at Amy's. I've loved participating in it, and I hope she's able to find a way to balance her life and continue hosting it. Such a great motivation to get things done.


  1. oh my! these are SO CUTE! I wish I would of done something like this when my son was little! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. How is it that I didn't know about this blog! I love these, seriously love them. And now I know what I am going to spend my time doing tonight after Creamie goes to bed. Catching up on your craftiness!

  3. @pinksuedeshoe This blog is something I've been working on whenever I have a few minutes on a computer (I'm still laptop-less, thanks to Janey). It's just a place where I've put all my craft posts from my personal blog, so those who just want to see my projects don't have to sift through all the stuff about my kids. I'm still trying to decide if I want them to be completely separate, or if I should continue the combo on the personal blog. Decisions, decisions. :) Anyway, you've probably seen most, if not all of these posts. But enjoy anyway. :)

  4. Looks like there are some happy times ahead for some special children! Fun! Fun!

  5. Cute! These look like they took some time and love. I love the little lion!

  6. Adorable puppets. I always wanted my kids to have puppets but we never had more than one or two. How wonderful that you made so many. I bet your kids will have a great time with them.

  7. I love your puppets. All that hard work was worth it. I take my kids to visit my friend who is a elderly lady. She made puppets for her kids 37 years ago and they love playing with them.

  8. Hi! I'm a new follower! Found you at "craftiness is not optional"...if you have a chance take a look at my blog

  9. I like your puppets!!! Great work!!! Nice to find your blog,
