Friday, January 7, 2011

Felt Hand Puppets

So two months or so ago, I agreed to make puppets for my own girls, two nieces, and two sort-of nephews for Christmas. I figured 6-8 puppets for each set of kids, no biggie. Right? Well, I'm not sure I can express how glad I am to have these done. They weren't overly hard or anything, and actually I enjoyed the creative process part of making them--they were just so time consuming, and I'm tired of staying up until 1-2:00 am to finish them. I am pretty proud of how they all turned out, though. See for yourselves:

Wild-ish animals:

Farm-ish animals

And all the kids themselves:

And everybody all together:

And from what I hear, all the kids are loving playing with them. I love a well-loved gift. :)

I'm posting this up for Sew and Tell at Amy's. I've loved participating in it, and I hope she's able to find a way to balance her life and continue hosting it. Such a great motivation to get things done.