Anyway, I've been wanting to make a nursing cover for a while now, and a couple weeks ago I bought the for it fabric on sale (at JoAnn's, as usual). I finally had the time and energy to make it today (maybe Janey is going back to her usual napping self... I can only hope!), so here it is:

I pretty much love it, but I wish I'd used a little shorter piece of boning--the original pattern calls for 16", but I think mine ended up being closer to 18, because I forgot to cut it down after I originally bought it. It's probably just not discreet enough. If it ends up being a problem, I'll fix it and cut it down to probably 14" or so--I just don't want the opening quite so big. I do love the fabric, though, and that I did the straps and everything all on my own, and it was so easy. If you want to make one too, there's another great tutorial over at Sew Much Ado. I love that blog, can you tell?
And for those of you that are wondering how I'm doing, I'm still pregnant, and for the most part doing really well, though I'm very tired, and my body is giving me more grief, pain-wise. The baby may or may not have dropped some, I feel like I'm breathing a little easier these days, but moving is more painful. I'm definitely looking forward to having a normal body again, but am still nervous at the thought of having three kids. I had my 37 week appointment this morning, and I seem to be progressing (dilated 2 cm, 70% effaced, for those who care), so she's certainly on her way. I'm (mostly) excited, and very grateful everything has gone so well so far. Only a few more days until I get to meet this little girl. :)
And here is a picture that accurately portrays how I feel like I look:

nice and large and squashed.