Yellow pear tomatoes, almost ready to pick...
My happy happy cantelope vines... see all those yellow flowers? Here's hoping they turn into fruit, and soon!
Yellow Zucchini--yes, it is zucchini, I chose yellow because my mom told me it was the easier way to notice them so they didn't grow so huge... yet I let mine get this big... on purpose! Zucchini bread, here I come!
And this was my best attempt at capturing for you just how delicious this tomato was as I was salting it and eating it. Unfortunately, my camera just wanted to focus in on the sink. But I think you get the idea.
I am seriously so excited that my garden is actually doing well! Other veggies growing--pumpkins, corn, peppers, watermelon, and beans (which are really struggling because something is eating them something fierce!) More pictures to come--I took all these at 2:00 in the afternoon, so everything is a little wilty, which I didn't want to show off, so maybe I'll take a few when everything is big and full tonight.